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Spend a great adventure holiday in spring with children at Kastelruth

Spend a great adventure holiday in spring with children at Kastelruth

Spring on Seiser Alm invites you to a special experience holiday with children. The Schgagulhof has to offer here an innumerable amount of attractive opportunities.

What can children experience on Schgagul farm? 

What can children experience on Schgagul farm?

In addition to a stunning natural landscape close to the forest the Schgagul farm provides children with a very special experience of nature. During your adventure holiday with your children on the beautifully situated farm enjoy exciting days with the many farm animals! Petting rabbits and goats delights almost every child. And which child does not love to really let off steam? In addition, this alpine farm has to offer even more attractions for children of all ages. A variety of game offerings, such as

  • a sandbox
  • a swing and
  • a slide
  • trampoline table football

invite to play and run.

Witness the farming operation

Witness the farming operation

Getting up early is just for smaller children almost a must. Exactly this can be experienced in the romantic old farmhouse Schgagul on holiday with children. First, we go in search of freshly laid eggs in the henhouse to enjoy the morning breakfast egg. Then we try to milk the cows together with our children. Again, this is a very special experience for the little ones! After work, enjoy every day in your home an appetizing breakfast with fresh milk, fresh chicken eggs and fragrant delivered fresh bread from the bakery. Then the main Schgagul court, under monumental protection, will attract you. Here you and your children can take a deep insight into the former rural life in South Tyrol.
